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there's a narrow dirt road that winds its way from the suburbs and into the outer limits. branching off it is a rubble driveway of sorts, leading to a three story Elizabethan titan of a house. heavily weathered from years of standing vacant in the midst of nothing. it is perhaps not as impressive as it once might have been. the front door is still secure, but the side and rear doors have been torn from the hinges by wind. both doors lead to an expansive kitchen on the ground floor. there's a doorway leading to the dining room on the left, and there's a door leading to the living room on the wall opposite the rear door. in the dining room stands only an old wooden table, in the living room are a few springy couches and chairs. also on the ground floor is a small bathroom and a door leading to the basement, but both are inaccessible. up the flight of stairs are two other bathrooms and six bedrooms with small beds. each bedroom has a long dresser with half-opened or missing drawers. each closet is empty. the six bedrooms on the top floor are furnished in an alike manner, though their beds are larger. the only indication that this place used to be a farm is the small barn filled with various equipment, and the run-down fencing of a pasture. with plenty of wild game around and a large creek as a water source behind the house, eighteen canines could be supported here.
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