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nestled behind a cozy italian restaurant is an alley large enough to allow delivery trucks access, despite the large trash cans and dumpsters on the far wall. though it is often damp, the alley isn't too terribly dirty. most of the trash scattered across the pavement is done so by the animals. there's always scraps in the restaurant trash, which attracts other creatures like cats and the occasional raccoon. the alley actually stretches behind what could seem to be a shopping center, winding behind another restaurant or two. the store-front directly beside the restaurant, Delizio's, is ruined, destroyed by a kitchen fire. the fire truck tried to attend the fire from the alley, since the kitchen was in the rear, but the fire had done a number. now the brick wall has crumbled, and is a gaping hole in the rear of the charred building. the kitchen is a rectangle shaped room and it leads into what once was an expansive dining room area. overturned and blackened tables are recognizable, most of the chairs aren't fully formed anymore. a bit further down the alley is a water drainage trough that is fed from the strip of restaurant's rooftops. six canines could be supported here.
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